Fixed Income  

The top performers in the past 12 months


    Of the 20 highest-yielding funds in our data pool, some fund houses enjoyed multiple entries; Aberdeen and Threadneedle each had three funds listed, while Axa Investment Managers and Ignis Asset Management had two funds make the cut.

    Anna Lawlor is a freelance journalist

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    The 12-month yield peer group average of the eight IMA sectors in our income pool

    4.07 for the Sterling Corporate Bond sector

    5.31 for the Sterling High Yield sector

    4.05 for the Sterling Strategic Bond sector

    2.28 for the Global Bonds sector

    4.55 for the Global Equity Income sector

    4.89 for the UK Equity Income sector

    2.25 for the UK Gilts sector

    1.29 for the UK Index Linked Gilts sector


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