
Principles that can underpin sustainable retirement income

This article is part of
Retirement Freedom and Responsibility - March 2015

Aiming to meet the needs of the newly empowered generation approaching retirement

A key focus for many in the newly empowered generation approaching retirement will be the search for sustainable monthly income that does not expose their capital to a high level of risk. Generating a consistent income with a moderate risk profile is no-longer possible with a single simple investment.

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The new Schroder Global Multi-Asset Income Fund employs a multi-asset approach that addresses key drivers of sustainable income, seeking to provide income of 4-6% per annum, which can be paid monthly or accumulated within the fund (target only, not guaranteed). The risk rating for the fund, which is published in the Key Investor Information Document, is ‘4’ on a scale of 1-7, inline with a typical cautious managed fund. Note, this risk category is not guaranteed to remain fixed and may change over time. The strategy is modelled on a successful offshore fund which launched in April 2012. It has been developed by Schroders’ highly experienced Multi-Asset team, who currently manage over £4 billion* in global multi-asset income strategies.

Find out more at

*AUM as at 31 December 2014

James Rainbow is Head of UK Financial Institutions and Strategic Accounts at Schroders