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Keeping secrets

Another key point in this acquisition will be keeping in touch with customers. There are many people out there who do not like what Aegon has to offer, so it will be interesting to see flows in and out of both platforms in the coming months. Cofunds is a much larger and wider used platform than Aegon and both will have to do everything they can to keep clients on side. Re-platforming and updating software (while keeping costs down) is what will need to be done immediately. Advisers need ease, not slow and complicated platforms. It has to remain easy for consumers to use too.

Need we be reminded that technology is not just the future, but (as cringeworthy as it sounds) “the now”? For the combined platforms to be a true success and achieve everything they are able to, continuing investment in technology is a necessity. Technology is nothing to be afraid of and makes our lives much easier. Sure, we probably talk to and interact with each other less, but that suits me fine. Fewer secrets to keep.

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