Autumn Investment Monitor 2017  

Demand grows for dominant strategy

“I would argue that there are a number of funds that can produce attractive risk-adjusted returns. Investors need to remember that these funds are designed to grind out a return greater than cash and/or inflation. With bonds and equity valuations looking expensive, this is exactly the time when these strategies cannot be ignored to provide added diversification and ballast in cautious and balanced mandates.

“There are now more than 100 funds in the sector, but the disparity between funds makes it somewhat of an enigma. There are extreme differences in risk/reward profile. With five-year volatility ranging from 1-12 and five-year performance ranging from -7 per cent to 124 per cent, they require more research and are more complex than long-only strategies. It is important to look at each fund on its own merits, and have a good understanding where the funds will invest and what strategies will be employed.”

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Absolute return funds in numbers


Assets under management in the IA Targeted Absolute Return sector


Number of funds in the IA Targeted Absolute Return sector


Number of times absolute return funds were mentioned in the FCA’s asset management market study final report


Net outflows from the sector’s biggest fund: Standard Life Investment’s Gars strategy


Times the Targeted Absolute Return sector was the bestselling peer group in the past 12 months


Size of the multi-asset team behind the behemoth £23bn Gars strategy


Absolute return funds: Performance 

Top-10 funds by Sortino ratio over three years to September 12 2017

FundSortino ratioVolatility (%)
Schroder UK Dynamic Absolute Return0.645.7
Smith & Williamson Defensive Growth0.642.5
JPM Global Macro Opportunities0.647.9
Man GLG Alpha Select Alternative0.594.6
VT iFunds Absolute Return Orange0.519.3
Gam Star (Lux) Convertible Alpha0.518.8
Old Mutual Global Equity Absolute Return0.494.4
Schroder ISF Asian Bond Absolute Return0.499.8
IFSL Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital0.474.3
City Financial Absolute Equity0.4713.4
Source: FE Analytics  


Top-10 funds by returns over three years to September 12 2017

FundThree-year return (%)Downside risk (%)
City Financial Absolute Equity10.314.5
JPM Global Macro Opportunities87.1
Schroder ISF Asian Bond Absolute Return7.99.1
Schroder UK Dynamic Absolute Return7.86.7
VT iFunds Absolute Return Orange7.68
Gam   Star (Lux) Convertible Alpha7.68
Natixis H2O MultiReturns6.715.7
RWC Core Plus6.77.8
Man GLG Alpha Select Alternative6.65.2
Liontrust GF European Strategic Equity6.26.8
Source: FE Analytics