Better Business  

How do clients make the right financial decisions?

  • Describe what behavioural biases are
  • Explain how behavioural biases can affect financial decision-making
  • Outline ways to tackle behavioural biases


We are constantly making assumptions – they help us navigate our daily lives – but they are not particularly useful when it comes to financial decision-making.

Financial advisers can help their clients recognise their behavioural biases in order to achieve the best possible outcome when it comes to their finances.

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This is a skill that can set an adviser apart – though to be clear, it is not a case of soft versus technical skills, the technical skills are a must-have that clients take for granted.

In this CPD podcast, which is the first instalment of our "Advanced thinking in business leadership" series, we look at how advisers can tackle behavioural biases in clients and in themselves.

We are joined by Mark Pittaccio, business consultant and behavioural economist at Quilter Financial Planning, and Ollie Saiman, co-founder of advice business Six Degrees, who share their ideas around behavioural biases and how to challenge them.

This podcast qualifies for 30 minutes of CPD. To bank your CPD, answer the six questions below.

Carmen Reichman is multi-media editor at FT Adviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. How does Mark Pittaccio describe behavioural biases?

  2. Some biases are linked to the idea that we feel losses more than we appreciate gains, Pittaccio says. True or false?

  3. What are people's emotional responses to wealth often rooted in, according to Ollie Saiman?

  4. Using figures and numbers is a perfectly good way to illustrate financial plans, according to Pittaccio. True or false?

  5. How can advisers tackle behavioural biases with their clients, according to Pittaccio?

  6. Diversity in the advice firm can reduce the risk of an adviser's own biases feeding through to clients' plans, says Saiman. True or false?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Describe what behavioural biases are
  • Explain how behavioural biases can affect financial decision-making
  • Outline ways to tackle behavioural biases

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