Work and wellbeing  

How financial services can help develop social mobility

  • To list ways that a lack of social mobility can be manifested
  • To be able to summarise programmes that can help create a strategy to boost social mobility
  • To explain how financial services companies can get involved

"Lasting solutions to the root causes of poverty are most likely to come from people in poverty being in the driving seat of change. In Their Lifetime's programme brings this approach to life, as we support communities’ long-term economic resilience, and their ability to overcome barriers to markets.”

Selina Sagayam, one of the Ambassadors for the ITL programme said: “I first got involved with ITL as a result of my passion and promotion of diversity, talent and inclusion initiatives in the legal profession in particular around gender related issues.

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"The ITL programmes' impact upon intersectionality marginalised groups – women who have been financially and socially excluded from communities – is real, and the primary reason for my continued support of the innovative work of ITL.”

Business success and inclusion

Social mobility is increasingly recognised as key to business success.

In the case of Christian Aid, local charity supporters team with private sector organisations to draw expertise and resources to benefit developing countries.

But in UK business, minority groups are found often to face other problems as well as under representation, like greater poverty, misconceptions, absence of role models and a wealth gap. 

Having greater diversity through fostering social mobility helps build greater resilience in people and businesses, through the inclusion of different talents and perspectives.

It builds compassion, team-work and understanding - which in turn leads to more resilient, sustainable companies. 

Anita Boniface is a freelance journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. The Bridge Group report found that financial services companies were what, in relation to the communities they serve?

  2. Hamilton says working with which group is vital when it comes to building sustainable futures?

  3. How many pupils does Hamilton say Zurich will be mentoring this year?

  4. There is an important link between neurodiversity and what, according to the author?

  5. True or false: Autistica says neurodivergent people thrive in flexible working environments?

  6. According to Ajulu-Bushell, what has to be put into the right places at the right times?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • To list ways that a lack of social mobility can be manifested
  • To be able to summarise programmes that can help create a strategy to boost social mobility
  • To explain how financial services companies can get involved

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