
Keep FCA fees fair: our campaign launch

Philip Hanley, founder of Philip James Financial Services, commented: "Huge increases in @TheFCA [fees]. Mine up 85 per cent; others I've spoken to, by more. Perhaps they should survey us again now we've all had our bills."

Alongside engaging with our readers and co-ordinating a letter-writing campaign to those in charge at the FCA, we will encourage and commit to speaking with your local MPs on the matter, to raise these questions with the Prime Minister and get the issue on the table.

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To start this off, I will write to my own local MP to raise this issue with him, to flag the potential for driving good advisers out of the industry while augmenting the already too-wide advice gap. 

I would encourage you to do the same, and feel free to copy Financial Adviser into your correspondence. 

Together I hope we will achieve a fairer way of funding the important and valuable work the FCA does to protect consumers and keep the market competitive and innovative, without driving the 'small guys' out of the market. 

Simoney Kyriakou, editor, Financial Adviser
