In Focus: Retirement Income  

How to make retirement more rewarding

  • Describe the important elements of an investment strategy during retirement
  • Identify what to consider when withdrawing retirement savings
  • Describe how tax changes might affect retirement income planning

Advisers have the power to make a real impact and make their clients’ retirements more rewarding, and when all boiled down, the steps are pretty basic: help pay their income, protect their wealth, and get them through major life moments – the very first step might be to tell clients that they should never forget that a major life moment is retirement itself. 

Neil MacGillivray is head of the technical support unit at James Hay

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. One in five 60-65 year olds are doing what due to the pandemic?

  2. What does Neil MacGillivray say is "vital" when it comes to one-off lump sums?

  3. The wealthy individual MacGillivray's team spoke to recently wanted to leave all their money to their children

  4. Which taxes does MacGillivray think are likely to see "big changes"?

  5. A platform that offers what can make tailoring investment strategies easier?

  6. A regular and reliable income over the long term helps clients feel more comfortable about their future

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You should now know…

  • Describe the important elements of an investment strategy during retirement
  • Identify what to consider when withdrawing retirement savings
  • Describe how tax changes might affect retirement income planning

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