Fixed Income  

The Guide: Investing in Fixed Income

  • Gain an understanding of the outlook for fixed income as an asset class
  • Comprehend the effects of diverging monetary policy on fixed income
  • Grasp the factors affecting emerging market debt prospects
The Guide: Investing in Fixed Income


In 2016 fixed income was a popular choice for many investors in an uncertain market environment. But with 2017 set to hold more of the same, is there still value left in fixed income?

In this special report


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Steven Oh from PineBridge notes volatility will continue to affect fixed income in 2017. How does he suggest investors capture alpha opportunities?

  2. In her article Michelle McGrade points out interest rates will likely return to their long-term average of 5 per cent over a period of five years or more. What would this mean for bond markets?

  3. In 2016 fixed income saw a reversal of fortune with net retail inflows of how much during the year, according to the Investment Association?

  4. According to Hans van Zwol the decline in interest rates to the "spectacularly low levels" seen in 2016 has resulted in what?

  5. In his article what does Robert Lee suggest is the most serious risk on the horizon for emerging market debt at this point in the business cycle?

  6. David Absolon suggests what will continue to push developed sovereign bond yields higher in the near term?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Gain an understanding of the outlook for fixed income as an asset class
  • Comprehend the effects of diverging monetary policy on fixed income
  • Grasp the factors affecting emerging market debt prospects

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