Equity Income  

The Guide: Equity Income Investing

  • Gain an understanding of the macroeconomic environment
  • Comprehend the different equity income strategies
  • Grasp the benefits of regional equity income investing
The Guide: Equity Income Investing


With rising inflation and the potential for higher interest rates, equity income remains a key component of many investment portfolios. But what is offering investors the best opportunities?

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Adam Avigdori what has driven a number of special dividend annoucements recently?

  2. In his article Stephen Tong says a high dividend may be "merely optical" because in anticipation of a dividend cut the market may have done what?

  3. Robert Vaudry notes in his article that looking further afield for income is good, but it also means what?

  4. Clare Hart suggests what is the single most important factor in the US recovery?

  5. In Asia, Robert Horrocks warns in his article that investors should look beyond the usual hunting ground of Australia. But which of these emerging market countries does he NOT specifically highlight?

  6. While investors may be looking for more income, Julian Bishop states in his article that "a very high dividend yield" can be a sign of what?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Gain an understanding of the macroeconomic environment
  • Comprehend the different equity income strategies
  • Grasp the benefits of regional equity income investing

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