
Stellar performers triumph in 100 Club

Meanwhile, in the Small to Mid Investment Group all five members had previously appeared in the 100 Club, including former winner Royal London Asset Management. However, it was Old Mutual Global Investors that came out on top against stiff competition. 

The group is the asset management division of Old Mutual Wealth, which is itself in the process of splitting off from parent company Old Mutual and was founded in 2012 following the merger of Old Mutual Asset Managers UK and Skandia Investment Group. It had a strong contingent of funds in the 100 Club 2016 with four vehicles across both equity and specialist asset classes, managing to scoop the award in two – the UK Equity and UK Smaller Companies categories. 

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The group’s performance has held up well since it appointed fund manager Richard Buxton as chief executive in 2015 following a shake-up at the top, with the IA ranking it 19th in terms of retail funds under management of £12.7bn as of December 31 2016. 

With all of the 100 Club groups appearing to forge ahead, it will be interesting to see which ones make a return appearance in 2017. 

Nyree Stewart is features editor at Investment Adviser



Group Winners

Large Investment Group: BlackRock


Number of countries where BlackRock has a presence


Assets under management globally


Approximate number of BlackRock employees worldwide 


Number of members in the Investment Adviser 100 Club 2016 


Small to Mid Investment Group: Old Mutual Global Investors


Year OMGI was formed following merger of OMAM UK and Skandia


Total AUM as at March 31 2017


Number of investment professionals


Number of members in the Investment Adviser 100 Club 2016


Passive Investment Group: SPDR 


Year SPDR launched its ETF products in the UK


Assets under management globally, as of May 24 2017


Number of SPDR products available to UK retail investors, as of November 2016 


Appearances in the Investment Adviser 100 Club