
Summer Investment Monitor 2017

  • Gain an understanding of the political and economic outlook
  • Comprehend the impact of incoming regulations and
  • Grasp the potential implications of politics and economics on a range of asset classes


The second quarter of 2017 will likely be remembered for its politics rather than economics, as the UK and France both geared up to go to the ballot box.

Market volatility hit new lows - amid some wobbles -  so what will the third quarter bring investors?

Will fund groups react to muddled investor sentiment and re-asses fund viability given an uptick in Investment Adviser's list of funds at risk of closure?

Political events could be leading towards  a greater focus on inequality and a shift away from austerity, but how will governments and countries position themselves in the future? Could this lead to a greater focus on pay in financial services?

As regulators continue their attempts to repair the world's financial systems, what effect will the incoming EU rules in Priips and Mifid have?

And with political risk fading as the world continues through its list of elections, how will central banks react to the return to growth, and will this feed through in the economic engines of small and medium sized companies?

In this special report


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. How many additional funds are there in the 2017 list of funds at risk of closure?

  2. What did the PRI's second project of Phase I focus on?

  3. What did Mikkel Bates suggest required more work under Mifid II compared to Priips?

  4. According to Barry Olliff, which of these is NOT a desirable professional characteristic?

  5. What justification did Meike Bliebenicht give for SMEs being more sensitive to interest rate cycles?

  6. Why has central bank policy helped suppress volatility, according to JPMorgan's Tilmann Galler

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You should now know…

  • Gain an understanding of the political and economic outlook
  • Comprehend the impact of incoming regulations and
  • Grasp the potential implications of politics and economics on a range of asset classes

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