Alternative Investment  

How clients can position in alternatives to withstand volatility

  • Identify the role of alternatives and their benefits in a portfolio.
  • List how clients can get returns from less traditional asset classes and why the current environment means they need to.
  • Be able to describe the risks of using alternative investments in a broader portfolio.

They can also be complex – certain hedge fund strategies, for example, may involve sophisticated financial instruments such as derivatives or leverage.

Due diligence and selection is, therefore, extremely important because returns on alternative strategies are often driven by the skill and execution ability of the manager.

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This is demonstrated by the fact that the returns gap between the top and bottom performing hedge funds and private equity funds in any given year tends to be large relative to public market peers.

Active investors must consistently aim to find the right mix of return drivers and diversifiers for the prevailing macroeconomic and market conditions, but with a keen eye to the future too.

Given the bull run in most equities over the past seven years, plus low levels of bond yields, finding alternative return drivers and diversifiers is more crucial than ever.

We believe that commodities, infrastructure, volatility winners and tail-risk protection strategies can all be deployed to improve investment journeys and maximise the probability of hitting return objectives, while pragmatically and carefully managing risk.

Graham Bishop is investment manager at Heartwood Investment Management


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Finding what is an increasingly important part of building stable portfolios?

  2. The alternatives sector is set for what over the next five years?

  3. Which alternatives "are often viewed as risky investments", according to the author, and are perceived to add to overall risk?

  4. According to the author: "Investors should view investments classified as ‘alternatives’ as more than just risk mitigation tools". True or false?

  5. Gold can struggle when which currency rallies, says Mr Bishop?

  6. What does the author call the protection strategies, which aim to help offset potential sharp falls in riskier asset classes?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Identify the role of alternatives and their benefits in a portfolio.
  • List how clients can get returns from less traditional asset classes and why the current environment means they need to.
  • Be able to describe the risks of using alternative investments in a broader portfolio.

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