Investment Trusts  

Investment trusts: Back in vogue?

  • Learn about trends in the investment trusts market
  • Understand the attractions of investment trusts
  • Grasp some of their misconceptions

“Advisers are shifting huge numbers of clients into multi-asset funds and model portfolios (directly or through discretionary fund managers). It’s not the open architecture market that investment trusts arguably need to thrive.”

Adviser misconceptions

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Some of the barriers come from the advice sector itself – a belief in some quarters that trusts, with their fluctuating share prices as well as net asset values, are confusing for clients. 

But it is difficult to lend weight to such an argument considering DIY investors were the biggest buyers of the vehicles between 2012 and 2017, according to a study by Aberdeen Standard Investments. 

That paper found direct-to-consumer platforms such as Hargreaves Lansdown were dominant buyers, and that advisers were not recommending investment trusts to a “meaningful degree”.

Concerns about client confusion, alongside the idea that trusts are risky because of gearing, are arguably becoming outdated. 

The products certainly have benefits over their open-ended peers in the form of better governance, the ability to outperform when gearing is used correctly, better management of illiquid and niche asset classes, and a better ability to provide consistent and reliable income. In addition, the ability to buy trusts at a discount offers an ability to compound returns.

Mr Dowling agrees that saying trusts are too complex does not wash any more. 

He warns: “Advisers who refuse to countenance investment trusts, except as a means to access specialist markets, should be worried; they risk marginalising themselves and becoming irrelevant. 

“Advisers who aren’t engaged with investment trusts need to get a grip.”


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Mr Britton says since RDR, adviser and wealth manager purchases of investment trusts have what?

  2. According to the report by the lang cat, what is the minimum investment company trading charge on Aviva's platform?

  3. What type of advisers are described as tending to have more interest in investment trusts?

  4. According to the report by Standard Life Aberdeen, who were the biggest buyers of investment trusts between 2012 and 2017?

  5. Which platforms are said to be planning to include investment trusts on their platforms in the future?

  6. What is the average platform cost for a portfolio built entirely of investment companies?

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You should now know…

  • Learn about trends in the investment trusts market
  • Understand the attractions of investment trusts
  • Grasp some of their misconceptions

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