
Does the UK really have a productivity problem?

  • Describe the challenges around global productivity
  • Identify the specific challenges associated with UK productivity
  • Explain the impact of the pandemic on productivity

But McWilliams is sceptical of this, arguing that QE increased the total available pool of capital in the world, which should mean that both the productive and unproductive companies can easily access capital, and in that scenario, the most productive companies should still be able to take market share from those that are least productive, driving up the overall level of productivity in the economy.

Baker’s view is that while the impact of QE on productivity is likely to be profound, she says it may be some time before it is evident from the data what that impact has been. 

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While GDP data tends to track wider business and market cycles and can be wildly volatile, productivity growth is something the pattern of which evolves more slowly over time, but is a much greater determinant of long-run economic and investment market performance, and so will be crucial to the outcomes for advisers and their clients in the years ahead.   

David Thorpe is investment editor of FTAdviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the below sectors does Davies say is particularly hard to measure in productivity terms?

  2. What does Lagarias highlight as a key differentiator in how US and UK productivity differ??

  3. What does Ward say has been the main reason for UK productivity growth being slower than peers?

  4. The reduction in the numbers of people employed in which occupation is cited by Baker as a reason why the UK measures of productivity are declining?

  5. Which type of new economy worker does McWilliams say does not have their productivity measured accurately?

  6. How can some productivity measures reward inequality?

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  • Describe the challenges around global productivity
  • Identify the specific challenges associated with UK productivity
  • Explain the impact of the pandemic on productivity

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