Responsible Money  

Building a diversified responsible investment portfolio

  • To identify the challenges faced by responsible equity investors
  • To describe the drivers of responsible bond prices
  • To explain the options available when constructing a responsible income portfolio
Diversifying your responsible investment portfolio
Creating a responsible investment portfolio to navigate turbulent market conditions

Responsible investment funds have gained significant traction in the market in recent years, but among the thorniest of the issues which surround the investment theme is that of diversification. 

This guide will explore the role traditional portfolio theory can play in constructing a responsible investment portfolio, and how asset allocation may differ in such a portfolio compared with that of a conventional multi-asset strategy.

This article will also explore the question of how a client with responsible investing as their focus should think about diversification within equity and bond allocations.

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is the challenge posed for investors from many responsible equities being long duration assets?

  2. By what percentage does Holmes say his approach reduces his investible equity universe?

  3. What does Victoria Hasler say is making diversification easier?

  4. To what equity region does Hasler say a sustainable equity exposure has a natural overweight?

  5. And within that, to which part of the equity market?

  6. What is the greenium?

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You should now know…

  • To identify the challenges faced by responsible equity investors
  • To describe the drivers of responsible bond prices
  • To explain the options available when constructing a responsible income portfolio

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