Partner Content by Orbis Investments

The world is changing, is your portfolio ready?

Time for a sunset ready portfolio

Despite the challenges, diversifying your portfolio and embracing value stocks and assets primed for success in an era of higher inflation, can yield significant investment rewards.

As contrarian, value-oriented bottom-up stockpickers, we have sought exposure to assets that could perform well in various environments, including stagflation. Within our Global Balanced Fund, our equity exposure spans dozens of stocks that we believe offer better value than overpriced world markets, providing resilience in the upcoming decade. Instead of passive bond market exposure, our portfolio comprises assets capable of weathering stagflation, such as inflation-linked bonds, gold, underappreciated corporate bonds, and cash. We are happy to be different from our benchmark1 and peers2; it’s an approach that has served us well. Since inception, the Fund has outperformed its benchmark, and is ranked in the top five among its peers.3

As Venus continues to turn, we believe we are just getting started. While many investors fear sunset, we are looking forward to the new dawn.

To find out more about our analysis and how you can prepare your portfolio for a new day, click here to download and read our full white paper.

1 Benchmark - 60% MSCI World Index and 40% JP Morgan Global Government Bond Index hedged into British Pounds (“JPM GBI”), (together, “60/40 Index”)

2 Peer Group - Investment Association Mixed Investments 40-85% Shares Category

3 Source: Morningstar as at 31 August 2023


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