Partner Content by Orbis Investments

Opportunities beneath the surface

Japan has its share, including game company Nintendo. The company owns some of the world’s most valuable intellectual property, but has historically been conservative in making money from it. The billion-dollar box office success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie has shown Nintendo that, in essence, it can get paid handsomely to advertise its games. Its next console should let players carry over their saved games, while using standardised parts that will make it easier for third-party studios to develop games for it. Trading at just above 20 times earnings, Nintendo’s valuation is near the average for world stockmarkets, but we believe its prospects are far better.

The US is home to many great companies, not all of which command front-page stories in the financial press. Managed care organisations like UnitedHealth and Elevance Health have consistently grown earnings more quickly than the S&P 500, while helping to make the US healthcare system more efficient. Yet today they trade at a discount to the S&P.

Payments companies Fleetcor Technologies and Global Payments have worked for years to better serve their small and mid-sized business customers, capturing opportunities as those firms grow and move from cash to digital transactions. We believe they can continue to grow earnings by well over 10% p.a., yet they trade at a steep discount to US and world market averages.

None of these companies are without risk. Jardine’s shares typically react to bad headlines about Hong Kong and China, US healthcare stocks can fluctuate with the election cycle, Korean banks live under sporadic threats from North Korea, Nintendo’s next console could flop, and no financial company is immune from economic cycles. Over the short term, valuation is among the worst predictors of returns, but over the long term, it is among the best.

The results of our bottom-up stockpicking makes us more relaxed about traditional categorisations. It is hard to say whether a fast-growing but discounted company is a growth stock or a value stock. It is easier to say that it should be rewarding for long-term investors to own.


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