Sustainable Investing  

Eight more advice firms join CCLA's AdviserAction

"The opportunity to work with CCLA, with their extensive track record in this field is an enormous opportunity.

"So often, this area is misunderstood by the market and by clients so we look forward to improving knowledge, practice and advice in our work with CCLA.”

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One of the founding members of AdviserAction, Chris Bull, head of business development for Kellands, told FT Adviser: "Our interest started with a discussion with CCLA.

"With their entry into the retail and intermediary space, they stood out for their committed stance on ‘good’ investing. It is their raison d’etre, and they actively try to engender positive change."

He said the search for quality rather than pure growth appeals for clients with less risk appetite or capacity for loss.

Bull added: "AdviserAction extends the investor engagement undertaken by the fund management industry and brings advisers into the movement.

"It enables us to play our part in a way that aligns with our values and beliefs. We are proud to be founding members within this excellent initiative."

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