Partner Content by Orbis Investments

Contrarian investing: how to profit by going against the crowd

Valuation as our compass

While the energy transition and similar themes present compelling opportunities, valuation remains our guiding compass. The UK has been the world's cheapest market for the past four to five years and has only become more attractive. However, UK companies continue to trade at much lower valuations than their American counterparts which are worth 22 times earnings. We don’t believe UK companies are worth 4/5 times earnings, so have been investing in businesses that we believe are promising long-term franchises. We are also seeing positive earnings surprises from British companies, which could indicate a potential recovery.

Usually, there is catalysts for markets to trade higher. What we have been seeing is that eventually, if governments get enough pressure, they start to take measures to make their markets more attractive. Japan is a great example. Through the Tokyo Stock Exchange, it implemented regulation to ‘name and shame’ companies that were trading at low valuations and not meeting guidelines on financial reporting and governance. Korea is now following a similar approach—could the UK be next? Maybe it’s already happening as investors scour the world for great opportunities as the economy stabilises.

At Orbis, our investment strategy is all about finding undervalued opportunities in a complex and changing market. By sticking to our contrarian approach, conducting thorough research, and staying flexible in our asset allocation, we aim to deliver consistent returns while managing risk effectively. Our approach ensures that we’re not just riding the waves of market trends but strategically diving into the depths to uncover true value.

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