
How far can financial provision go in child maintenance claims?

  • To explain the issues relating to financial provision in cases of wealthy non-married parents separating
  • To identify some of the areas that are likely to be provided for and those that are not
  • To explain some of the issues around publicity and anonymity

The starting point in Schedule 1 proceedings is that any material likely to identify a child involved in proceedings should not be published. However, this can be dispensed with if the Court so decides. In Goodman v Walker, Goodman sought an order that if the judgment should be published at all, it must be anonymised and redacted.

This was however rejected by the judge, who accepted that the normal confidentiality restrictions could be dispensed with in this case, given what was already in the public domain and Goodman’s own actions in placing information and images on social media and other media publications. 

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Anna Stanworth is a senior associate in the family team at the law firm BDB Pitmans


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is true about separating couples in England and Wales?

  2. At what salary point for the paying parent is financial provision no longer dealt with by the Child Maintenance Service?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a power that the court has in making additional orders in favour of the resident parent?

  4. The court will consider ensuring that the child’s standard of living bears some form of resemblance to the non-resident parent's, true or false?

  5. The paying party can also expect to pay some renovation and property maintenance costs on the property in which the family is resident, true or false?

  6. Why did the judge reject Lauryn Goodman's claim that any judgement be anonymised?

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  • To explain the issues relating to financial provision in cases of wealthy non-married parents separating
  • To identify some of the areas that are likely to be provided for and those that are not
  • To explain some of the issues around publicity and anonymity

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