
How can we get consumers from saving to investing?

  • Describe some of the key findings about investor behaviour in the author's report
  • Identify ways to engage new investors
  • Explain reasons for acceptance for some of the advice guidance boundary review recommendations

Only then will we start to make progress in achieving the FCA’s own goal to reduce the number of consumers with higher risk tolerance holding more than £10,000 in cash. 

Encouraging a stronger retail investing market in the UK is beneficial for both the economy and for individual financial empowerment. The chancellor has declared that economic growth is the UK’s "national mission". Better investing must – and needs – to pay a key part in delivering that mission.

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Read Barclays’ full report and policy recommendations, “Empowering retail savers to engage with investing: the role of public policy”, on the Barclays UK Unlocked website.

Sasha Wiggins is chief executive of Barclays Private Bank and Wealth Management


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, most consumers find it easy choosing which product to invest in, true or false?

  2. According to the author, what do two-thirds of people view as a 'loss'?

  3. What is a key misconception related to saving that needs to be overcome, according to the author?

  4. Which of the following is NOT a priority for investors when it comes to online tools?

  5. What is a big reason for people being comfortable with product recommendations based on 'people like you'?

  6. Consumers would welcome a way to easily identify products that meet their risk tolerance and their level of investment knowledge, according to the author, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the key findings about investor behaviour in the author's report
  • Identify ways to engage new investors
  • Explain reasons for acceptance for some of the advice guidance boundary review recommendations

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