
When is the right time to use an offset mortgage?

  • Explain how offset mortgages work
  • Describe the benefits an offset mortgage
  • Identify the right types of clients for this product

However, depending on individual financial habits, the net can be cast much wider than this.

For example, although the amount people are saving has fallen and costs have risen, households are still putting away an average of 8.8 per cent of their disposable income each month, according to Trading Economics.

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The opportunity for borrowers to leverage this should not be ignored and we encourage every broker to look to their back books and identify who in their client base could save potentially thousands of pounds through a simple change of mortgage.

Ben Williams is corporate relationship manager at Coventry Building Society


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is an offset mortgage?

  2. Why has the amount people can save before being taxed gone down?

  3. An interest-only offset mortgage can be used to reduce a mortgage term, true or false?

  4. Borrowers must meet a minimum threshold of savings before they can take out an offset mortgage, true or false?

  5. For which borrower type would an offset mortgage likely be a sensible choice?

  6. How could an offset mortgage help an additional rate taxpayer?

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You should now know…

  • Explain how offset mortgages work
  • Describe the benefits an offset mortgage
  • Identify the right types of clients for this product

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