Hunt for Income  

Multi-asset income: Analysing the all-in-one offerings

  • To understand why investors are turning to multi-asset funds for income
  • To comprehend the different approaches taken by such funds
  • To grasp the potential risks to clients

“If markets rise, the safe withdrawal rate falls because expected returns decline,” the paper says. “Yet if markets fall, the reverse happens and the safe withdrawal rate rises”.

As such, withdrawal rates, and other factors including portfolio composition, can affect the likelihood that a pensioner will not run out of money over a certain period. For a portfolio with a 20 per cent weighting to equities, for example, a £1m pot with a 3 per cent withdrawal rate has a 99 per cent chance of lasting for 20 years. But over a 40-year period, the rate with the same likelihood of success is just 1.4 per cent.

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As Morningstar notes, the 'safe' rate can change due to a number of factors and needs regularly monitoring. This illustrated by the firm's own research on the subject: a Morningstar paper published in May 2016 found that the safe withdrawal rate was higher, but it has since fallen 'as prices outstripped the fundamentals'.

Now that pensioners have greater flexibility on how to use their retirement savings, the need for income-generating assets is unlikely to abate. Advisers will continue to ask how to deliver a satisfactory level of income for clients, but they should also ask how much is too much.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of these characteristics is not mentioned by advisers favouring multi-asset income products in Heartwood's research?

  2. What happens when funds target a specific level of income, according to Matt Harris?

  3. What form of risk are investors in loans and airlines being compensated for, according to Rory Maguire?

  4. What happens to the safe withdrawal rate if markets rise, as noted by Morningstar research?

  5. What notable change was made to the Brandywine Global Income Optimiser fund last year?

  6. Which of these started paying out more than European high yield bonds earlier this year, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch?

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You should now know…

  • To understand why investors are turning to multi-asset funds for income
  • To comprehend the different approaches taken by such funds
  • To grasp the potential risks to clients

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