
Annuity advice post pension freedoms

  • Comprehend what has happened to the annuity market since pension freedoms.
  • Grasp why there is still a market for annuities and how they meet retirement income requirements.
  • Learn how to choose an annuity and what to look for from guaranteed income for life products.
Annuity advice post pension freedoms


The recent announcement by Prudential indicating it was pulling out of the annuity market is a sign of the times, as it joins other big name providers such as Standard Life and LV=.

Since the pension freedoms were introduced, the annuity market has shrunk as those reaching retirement increasingly opt for the flexibility offered by income drawdown.

This report will outline what has happened to the annuity market after the government set out its reforms in 2014 and why there is still a market for annuities as investors continue to seek a reliable income throughout their retirement and as they live for longer than ever before.

It will also look at how to choose the best annuity which offer a range of options, particularly to those suffering ill health.

The next few years will be an interesting time for annuity providers who may have to innovate and develop these guaranteed income for life products if they want to continue to meet retirees' needs.

Contributors to the report include: Andrew Pennie, head of pathways at Intelligent Pensions; Fiona Tait, pensions specialist at Royal London; Andrew Simon, executive general manager, product at IRESS; Andrew Tully, pensions technical director at Retirement Advantage; Stephen Lowe, group communications director at Just; Jinesh Patel, vice president, investment consulting, at Redington; Kim Lerche-Thomsen, chief executive at Primetime Retirement; Mike Morrison, pension expert at AJ Bell; Natanje Holt, retirement expert at Bravura Solutions; Simon Bashorun, financial planning team leader at Investec Wealth and Investment; Iress Retirement Report; Prudential.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Since pension freedoms annuity rates have declined but which other economic event is putting downward pressure on rates, according to Mr Pennie?

  2. Mr Tully says annuities continue to meet the needs of those with pension pots of what size?

  3. Which of these is not one of the benefits offered by an annuity, Mr Bashorun says?

  4. What situation has become worse since pension freedoms came in, according to Mr Tully?

  5. Which one of these is not a drawback of annuities, says Mr Patel?

  6. Ms Tait says the most popular age for annuity purchase is what?

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You should now know…

  • Comprehend what has happened to the annuity market since pension freedoms.
  • Grasp why there is still a market for annuities and how they meet retirement income requirements.
  • Learn how to choose an annuity and what to look for from guaranteed income for life products.

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