
Your Shout: Letters to the editor

Financial Adviser Letters

Financial Adviser Letters

I also think the court case was on entirely the wrong premise. The whole thing could have been framed very differently. 

It was just a good idea to save a chunk of money for the government and my age group of women was an easy target.

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Each woman affected will have her own story of how it has impacted her life and that of her family.

Probably only those who never had families or were married to men with good pensions will not have been severely impacted, or maybe they were too.

For myself, I had to take a voluntary redundancy from work following a stroke and would only have had three years to cope on my £550 a month occupational pension.

As it is, I now still have a further four years on that meagre income.

I cannot claim any benefits as I still have half of my pension lump sum left and it’s going down fast.

What was supposed to support me in retirement will be gone by the time I reach the new retirement age.

I will lose my house as, following divorce, I had to remortgage to keep it and planned to pay the mortgage off into retirement.

I can only pay interest. I cannot change it or extend it as I do not have enough income to qualify for any mortgage at all.

I was a victim of the endowment policy scam so I have no way of paying it off.

Yet, I still count myself among the relatively lucky ones even so. Some Waspi women have had to resort to sleeping in their cars. 

Sue Frampton


Missing out on compensation

I would like to pass on feedback on your article ‘Mini-bond scandal drives £16m FSCS levy hike’ (May 21).

It appears that the FSCS is preparing to pay investors who have evidence of being given bad advice. 

Some appear to have been given bad advice and at the very least misled by a group of people who have not yet come before the courts. 

It seems to me that it would be very unfair for some investors to miss out just because their agent covered their tracks better.

As a secure Isa bondholder, I have had conversations but have no way of knowing if they were recorded or not, which means I am now waiting for a letter from the FSCS, not knowing if it will contain a cheque for several thousand pounds or nothing.

Can you imagine the stress involved in that?

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