
What to consider when accessing pensions early due to ill-health

  • Describe some of the features of accessing pensions early due to ill-health
  • Identify the tax situation regarding taking pensions early
  • Describe how 'serious ill-health' is defined

This would leave a larger proportion of their fund uncrystallised so that if their condition worsens their remaining funds would be uncrystallised and could still qualify under the serious ill-health lump sum rules and so be paid out tax free in their final year. 

Even those with reasonable financial provisions may suddenly have substantially higher income requirements at this time. This could be for private care to make their final days more comfortable, to help them complete their bucket list, or even to pay for pioneering private treatment not otherwise available that may potentially extend their life. Having funds available tax free may be a big help.

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These will be tough times for your clients and their families, but getting the advice right and keeping their options open as their circumstances change can help make things a little easier.   

Lisa Webster is senior technical consultant at AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. When will the normal minimum pension age rise to 57?

  2. People can access their pension early if medically incapable of continuing their current occupation due to ill-health and that they have ceased that occupation, true or false?

  3. How are benefits under ill-health taxed?

  4. Rules do allow for recovery and for the prognosis to change, true or false?

  5. When should a transfer be carried out?

  6. What is serious ill-health?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the features of accessing pensions early due to ill-health
  • Identify the tax situation regarding taking pensions early
  • Describe how 'serious ill-health' is defined

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