
How with-profits funds can provide a smoother journey for clients

  • Describe some of the challenges of centralised investment propositions
  • Explain how to mitigate volatility
  • Identify the significance of with-profits funds

This helps lower the risk of significant fluctuations in value in the run-up to the CIP to CRP transition, mitigating against volatility drag, and can help to reduce sequencing risk during decumulation. 

Remember that clients’ solutions can be blended and wrapped up with other funds and products in a CIP or CRP to help balance overall risk and reward.

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With-profits funds can be an important part of the puzzle if there are clients approaching retirement or planning to access their pension or Isa savings in the next five to 10 years.

That should be enough time to see the benefit of an investment proposition product that for the first time is available via independent platforms and for some reason has retained a pretty low profile in the past.

In 2023, I think it is time for a smoother journey.

Nick Henshaw is head of intermediary distribution at Wesleyan Assurance Society


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, which of the following is NOT an advantage of a centralised investment proposition?

  2. A CIP shifts to a more cautious portfolio featuring a higher proportion of fixed interest bond holdings over time, true or false?

  3. Pound-cost averaging can smooth out the impact of market volatility on clients’ investments over the long term, true or false?

  4. A 15 per cent loss in year one requires what percentage return in year two just to return to the original value?

  5. How can you reduce sequencing risk in decumulation?

  6. With-profits funds can be put into a centralised retirement proposition with other investments, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the challenges of centralised investment propositions
  • Explain how to mitigate volatility
  • Identify the significance of with-profits funds

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