
Is it time for advisers to depart platforms?

  • Learn about the replatforming problems firms have been facing
  • Gain an understanding of the forthcoming regulatory changes
  • Learn about how the platform market has been performing

The debate was recently reignited by Aegon UK’s chief executive Adrian Grace, who claimed that a smaller market – of five large companies accompanied by some boutique ones – would be optimal. 

If this does come to fruition, intermediaries will be hoping previous migration lessons have been well and truly learned.

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  1. January 2017, Mike Barrett said there was not one recorded instance of replatforming or tech migration going.........?

  2. Ms Hill lists three products that Intelligent Office does not offer. Which of these is not one of them?

  3. According to Adrian Grace, what would be the optimal platform market size?

  4. How does Mr Catt describe the FCA's platform market proposals?

  5. Mr Walker had how many replatforming cases resulting in material losses for clients?

  6. Which platform technology company is described as having a busy year?

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  • Learn about the replatforming problems firms have been facing
  • Gain an understanding of the forthcoming regulatory changes
  • Learn about how the platform market has been performing

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