Diary of an adviser  

Diary of an Adviser: Martin Stewart

Today it is a mixture of second charges and remortgages. The purchase market in London is far from healthy; Brexit has now reached the suburbs of middle England and it is beginning to create real uncertainty and is damaging confidence.

I wish someone would get hold of this country, but a cursory glance of the news in the evening tells me politics in the UK is a dead man walking and we need something new and different to break this malaise. 

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Thankfully I have a day at home which gives me time to get a much needed haircut as I am beginning to resemble Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber. It also gives me the opportunity to catch up on emails and with clients, and assess how the group is moving forward as a whole.

When we set out we wanted to achieve the Holy Trinity of creating a national brand while delivering scale and profit. All are a work in progress, but checking the figures today, we broke through £50,000 net profit for the month of September.

I think I need to raise the bar and aim for £100,000 each month and then people may start to take us seriously. 

I end the week with the school run, a gin and tonic, and anticipating a weekend of aquariums, football and winding people up on Twitter. 

Martin Stewart is founder and director of London Money Group

If you would like to contribute a diary please contact Melanie Tringham on melanie.tringham@ft.com