Zurich Life  

Zurich protection boss on taking ‘shy’ brand into mainstream

Having been in the protection industry some 33 years, Colley said the challenges facing the market remained largely the same.

“It saddens me to say it, but protection continues to be sold rather than bought.”

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Despite protection resembling “the bedrock of financial services” and forming “the basis of solid financial planning”, Colley still thinks engagement around the product is lacking, and that it isn’t being talked about enough.

With Zurich’s direct-to-consumer brand having helped get the firm’s name out there, Colley is pleased it is now prioritising protection products. 

“I’ll admit, our customer-facing brand hasn’t had the investment, but it is doing well.” 

With Zurich’s name already familiar amongst advisers and clients, Colley is keen to utilise it better.

“I’m an extrovert,” she said. “I’m looking in and going ‘come guys’, I want you to shine.”
