
How to encourage more women to get protection

  • To understand why it is important to tailor advice to different people.
  • To gain confidence in bringing more diverse candidates into the business.
  • To know what sort of protection cover might be appropriate for different demographics.

Knowledge is power and, by sharing our knowledge, we could create a new generation of empowered women that, in turn, empowers other women.

Emma Vaughan is head of protection services for SimplyBiz

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, women are more likely to listen to a recommendation from whom?

  2. What does first-time advice usually coincide with, according to the author?

  3. What is becoming more fun and female for the author?

  4. True or false: the author says "Having more female advisers also means that, as an industry, we will be able to get through the underwriting requirements a lot quicker and slicker"?

  5. What is one of the biggest commitments that women have?

  6. Why are most people starting their financial journey later in life, according to the author?

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You should now know…

  • To understand why it is important to tailor advice to different people.
  • To gain confidence in bringing more diverse candidates into the business.
  • To know what sort of protection cover might be appropriate for different demographics.

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