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Why the employment bill was left out of the Queen’s Speech

While these bills were important, more needs to be done if the government is to hit its target of making the UK the best place in the world to work.

It is easy to worry about the delay to the bill and what this means for employment going forward, but there might be some unexpected benefits to be found here.

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The bill probably has to be consulted on for at least another year now, which means there is more time to deal with any flaws it may have and improve it.

In particular, the enforcement body the bill would create can now have more time to be planned out and organised before coming into being. Other aspects of the bill, such as its provisions for working mums and pregnant employees, can be improved to give even better protection and new clauses can be added to guarantee better working conditions, and more options for flexible working.

Peter Done is chief executive and founder of the Peninsula Group