Friday Highlight  

Why speed could be the most important factor in IHT planning


This strategy uses the best aspects of two well-established estate planning techniques inside one specially designed service arguably ideal for the task. 

The first part is the use of a proven BR investment.

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This ensures that any money invested will remain fully accessible to the client until death, so whatever life holds for them, they have full control at all times.

The service is also designed to grow over time and crucially should become fully IHT exempt after just two years and stay that way while invested in the BR-qualifying portfolio.

However, many advisers may appreciate there is a real risk to all clients of dying within that two years to IHT exemption, whether expected or not, the consequences of which are substantial.

If that were to happen, the plan would fail, and the investment would be subject to IHT – hence the second part.

The service also has life insurance cover specifically integrated alongside the investment so if this were to happen, clients would have their investment’s IHT liability covered.

This life cover, being delivered at no extra cost, ensures there is no negative impact on the investment performance of the service.

All this means that advisers and clients alike can have confidence that should their advice be accepted and the client takes action, not only should their IHT issue be alleviated immediately, but they will have confidence that they will retain full access and control over the investment indefinitely.

This will mean clients should be fully confident to proceed and there is no need for inertia.

A speedy service will promote speedy action to deliver a speedy outcome.

Matt Dickens is a senior business development director at Ingenious