Work and wellbeing  

Disconnect in health and wellbeing beliefs between employers and staff

Disconnect in health and wellbeing beliefs between employers and staff
(Mikhail Nilov/ Pexels)

There is a mis-match between what is perceived to be the most important aspects of health and wellbeing between employers and their employees. 

Research from Towergate Health and Protection found employers are most focused on the physical and mental health of their employees.

However, when asked what they believe the priority is for their employees, they believe it is financial health. 

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Debra Clark, head of wellbeing at the firm said: “It is extremely interesting to see the disconnect between the areas of health and wellbeing that employers are concerned about for their staff, and what they feel actually most concerns their staff in practice.

"This means that employers may need a more strategic approach to providing the right health and wellbeing support, to ensure the most pressing concerns are addressed.”

Towergate Health and Protection asked employers for their thoughts on health and wellbeing.

The firm suggested employee surveys could be a way to bridge this gap and find out the true needs of staff. 

It said it is important to find a balance between needs and wants. 

For example, financial support may be popular, but providing healthcare, critical illness cover, childcare, mental health counselling could be far more valuable to overall wellbeing, including financial health.

Clark added: "There is a balancing act involved in providing the right health and wellbeing support.

"It is important to ensure that all areas of health and wellbeing are given due consideration and that there is support available that will meet with the different needs across a workforce, with help in all areas, not just the easiest or most obvious ones to deal with.” 


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