
Spring has sprung (almost)

Samantha Downes

Samantha Downes

In Roman times 1 March heralded the start of the new year. 

For those of us who struggle through the cold dark months of January and February, the promise March offers, as it is the month where the spring equinox occurs, is priceless. 

And yes indeed does feel like the year is finally springing into life.- Storm Doris or no Storm Doris.

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For advisers March used to be a month of promise too. Remember those good old Isa season;  the build up to the end of the tax year when clients were urged to stash as much of their savings away from HMRC as was legally possible.

Largely thanks to a slow erosion of pensions as the preferred tax-efficient vehicle - not to mention the more immediate needs of the cash-strapped Generation X and its successors - Isa season is no more.

Isas are more popular than ever, which means there is no longer a mad dash to save into them. Because, and thanks to financial advisers, people are aware of the benefits of saving all year round. 

With a perfect storm of low interest rates, rising property prices and major socio-economic change on the horizon, let’s just hope ever more people are aware of the need to put their cash away for a rainy day. Because bad weather is always a possibility - particularly in the UK.

And one more thing….

We can’t mention March without mentioning Lent. As a Catholic and a Christian - the two are not mutually exclusive - I am one of those who embraces this season of self-denial with a vengance. One of my Lenten promises is to stay off Facebook, and buy less clothes; time and money saved. I can but hope.