How to advise the modern 'blended' family

  • To understand what issues might arise from blended families.
  • To be able to explain the different legal implications of inheritance.
  • To be able to demonstrate knowledge of trusts and wills

A discretionary trust can prove particularly useful if an individual is uncertain as to how they want to distribute their estate at the time of making their Will, or if there are other eventualities they simply cannot predict. Such a trust means the trustees have complete and inherent discretion as to accumulating income and capital or distributing as and when they think appropriate. 

Occasionally parents are faced with extremely sad and challenging situations involving their children battling alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. This may mean that outright distributions to them on death would be inappropriate and ill-advised.

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By establishing a discretionary will trust, decision-making as to distributing what, how much, when and to whom is ultimately handed to the trustees.  

Charlotte Coyle is a senior associate in the family team and Lilly Whale is an associate in the private client team at Goodman Derrick LLP, the London law firm.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the authors, the problems in families are quite often what?

  2. The authors state the principle of testamentary freedom means a person can leave assets in a will to whomever they wish. True or false?

  3. What notion seems outdated, according to the authors?

  4. What does case law say is a broad concept, according to the authors?

  5. What is important for couples with blended families to discuss before marriage, according to the authors?

  6. What do the authors describe as 'It is a particularly useful instrument if the testator’s children are from a previous relationship'?

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You should now know…

  • To understand what issues might arise from blended families.
  • To be able to explain the different legal implications of inheritance.
  • To be able to demonstrate knowledge of trusts and wills

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