Better Business  

What losing our practice manager has taught us about our business

And so Angus and Shadi decided to embark on a second three-year business development course, going through all aspects of the business with a fine-toothed comb, determining how things could be done better and getting a firm grip on their culture and values.

They focused on implementing IO process mapping, a tool that manages every process in a firm when it comes to client management, from onboarding to annual reviews, to ad-hoc advice.

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It helps to eliminate mistakes, says Shadi, and it ensures no client is left waiting for an update and nothing slips through the net.

This was not an entirely new thing; Jenn had already worked on this project, but now the two owners had to find a way of staying on top of it.

Angus Kirk: 'We were a really great team and I feel that that's where we're heading now' (Carmen Reichman/FTA)

Davidson introduced them to an outsourced practice manager, whom they started to meet weekly, chatting over what had gone well in the business and what needed to be done.

They also got in touch with a consultant Jenn had used to work with on practice management, and they engaged with Next Gen Planners to transform their client communications.

"One of the things that we've always banged on about is that our documentation can be quite dull, you sit down with a client and it's just text, you find your logo, but it's just terms and conditions and fact finds," says Shadi.

"We just want to make our lives easier and our delivery for clients simpler, more fun, more clear. And we want to be attractive to younger clients and want to be attractive to younger advisers as well," adds Angus.

So they started to introduce graphics and design concepts to their paperwork and they started to think about team development.

"[Brett's] big belief is that if you have the right people behind you [...] then that will really help your business," says Shadi.

Finally, by the end of last year, the time had come when they felt ready to take the plunge and look for new full-time office support.

Replacing Jen

"One thing that we have learned from the experience with Jenn was it was easy to just go okay, fine, Jenn will do it," says Shadi.

"[After she was gone] I had to step in in a very different way. And it was stuff that I was doing anyway, but I had just delegated to her and then it just became easy and then you become complacent. So I'll never, ever do that again."

She adds: "I was involved before, but I was just overseeing and now I am completely in there. And I am overlooking absolutely everything."

Earlier this year Transform FP finally made the hire. The business took on a young woman called Danielle as a financial administrator.