New Voices  

How data is king when it comes to improving diversity

'Happy balance'

She added that in some sectors there could be a danger of losing the practice of working from home.

“There are definite discussions about ‘is there a drop off in productivity? Are we losing teamwork? Are we losing culture?,” she said. "I think it is about being brave and getting the right happy balance."

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She added: “None of us really wanted to be fully remote and locked in our houses during Covid but that was an emergency situation.

“That overnight move to everyone working from home in which the IT stood up to the challenge, in my opinion, drove diversity and inclusion strategies forward by about 10 years in one year in terms of what is possible. 

“Whereas when we used to look at flexible working requests in certain roles there would be a question mark about whether that could really work in a flexible way.

“Actually, now Covid has shown most employers that most things other than very frontline roles can be done via working from home.”

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